Crikey, it's July already and we've tipped over into the second half of 2008. How did that happen? It seems just a blink ago that I was celebrating New Year!
I know what this means -- I'm getting old and I'm too busy. Oh, well c'est la vie! What it also means in this little slice of blogland is that Adopted: Outback Baby goes on sale in the UK and North America and is also available online in Australia.
I'm going to a tad busy this month. We're hoping to move house next week to begin our year in the country! I'm also going to San Francisco and have to finish my workshop notes; I'm blogging on Liz Fielding's blog and at the Pink Heart Society. Oh, and I have a new book to start. So instead of teling you too much more about Nell and Jacob's story, I thought I'd share with you this review, which a kind friend alerted me to. It was written by an eharlequin reader, Vince. Thanks so much, Vince!!
Great Outback Story With A Difference!
I’m a big fan of Outback stories and reading “Adopted: Outback Baby” is like getting a double bonus.
"Adopted: Outback Baby”, is especially interesting because the hero and heroine are the 39-year old grandparents of the child they are trying to adopt. They are not married but were lovers twenty years before, but have not seen each other since. This theme is so unusual that the author was not sure the publisher would approve of it. I’m glad “Adopted: Outback Baby” was approved, because Barbara Hannay makes the story work while keeping everything very interesting every stop of the way.
I found the plot always interesting and believable. The character’s actions were honorable and there is something wonderful about getting a second chance at love when you were wrongfully denied your first chance. There was an injustice in “Adopted: Outback Baby” that feels so good to see rectified. This is a very good feeling book. The action takes place both in the Outback and at a beautiful seaside cottage. The beautiful locations are a real plus in this book.
The hero and heroine are perfect for each other and the HEA is doubled by the well executed Epilogue. I really appreciate an author who expands the envelop and takes chances. “Adopted: Outback Baby” really works.
Challenging Grandparent Hero and Heroine Theme – A Big Winner!