Thursday, November 24, 2011

Rock a bye baby....

A pair of sunbirds built this nest just outside our bathroom window. Isn't it gorgeous? Only problem is they've suspended it from a tree fern branch, and these have a bad habit of dropping off (like palm fronds) . So we'll have to hope that the babies hatch before the bough breaks.
Elliot wanted to rush out and somehow strap the branch, but I'm afraid that will dsiturb the parents. One other summer, when one of our guinea fowl hens was sitting on a nest on the ground out in a paddock in relentless rain, E erected a tin roof over her. She upped and abandoned the eggs. Doesn't pay to interfere with Nature. Hard as it is for guys to accept, they don't always know best. :)


2paw said...

Nature is harsh and I often can't bear to watch. But the birds are so hard working and I have my fingers crossed that it all ends well!!

Lacey Devlin said...

I love that Elliot built a little tin roof! That unappreciative guinea fowl didn't know a good thing when it saw it!