Wednesday, January 08, 2014

A happy start for the new year....

Lovely news.

Miracle in Bellaroo Creek has been nominated for an Australian Romance Readers Award. I'm thrilled and so grateful to the wonderful readers who've bought my books and nominated Ed and Milla's story.
I'm also grateful to Michelle Douglas and Soraya Lane who were so great to work with when we were planning the Bellaroo Creek trilogy.

Meanwhile, I've started writing another M and B, my first for a while, because I was busy with the third Penguin for most of last year and then I took much needed time off over Christmas.

I love going back to my short romances in between the longer books. This is a boss, secretary, baby story. I know, I know, it's been done to death, but these are my characters and my unique situation and the story feels fresh and different to me, so while I've only just started, I love it. I'm having so much fun!!!


2paw said...

Oh congratulations, that's wonderful news. Nothing wrong with a secretary and boss story. I am pretty sure there are quite a lot of secretaries and bosses in the world!!! I was quite chuffed you had a teacher's story. said...

Great news, Barb. Congrats xx

Barbara Hannay said...

Thanks for the congrats, 2paw and Bernadette.