Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Sign up for my Newsletter...

Here's another giveaway opportunity. For people who sign up for my newsletter, you won't just receive up to date info about my books, you'll also have a chance to win three Christmas romances...

Plus your choice of one of my Penguin novels...

Look out for this button on my website, or sign up directly from here.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

A pre-Christmas giveaway.

 I have a new romance coming out on New year's Day.

 It's called THE HUSBAND SHE"D NEVER MET and, like the very first romance I ever wrote, it's an amnesia story.

Romantic Times have given it four stars and the reviewer comments...  A mystery filled with intertwining secrets makes Hannay's story all the more interesting...

A lovely big box of the book arrived yesterday and as Christmas is on the horizon, I decided it's time for a giveaway.

To be in the draw, you can leave a comment on my Facebook page or here. Good luck!!

Friday, November 13, 2015

This week at our place....

I found a very Christmassy looking bush in our patch of rainforest.

The lilies I planted in the grove (that we planted a few years earlier) all flowered.

And I worked out how to finish my current book with sticky notes on my study wall.

No, I'm sorry the hearts aren't sex scenes. They mark a different time line. :)

Oh, yes, and I changed the banner at the top of this blog. Not sure how it works on your screen, but I need to slide my browser bar to see the whole panoramic shot that my nephew, who was visiting, took for us.

Sunday, November 01, 2015

Jacaranda time...

We always make sure we include a trip to Herberton at this time of the year to see the jacarandas.

The displays aren't as stunning as the southern avenues and parkland, but I think I enjoy these trees so much because they pop up, dotting the hillsides, in what is normally pretty dry and dusty country. It's such a lovely surprise to emerge out of the bush and there they are...

Herberton is an old mining town to the west (still on the Tablelands) and the minerals in the soil give the trees a depth of colour that my camera couldn't quite capture.

 But I thought they were still worth sharing.

When I was growing up in Brisbane and we still had major external exams, there was a saying, "If you haven't started studying before the jacarandas flower, you've left it too late.' :)