Monday, June 01, 2009

New covers...

Mills and Boon in the UK are bringing out new covers in August, and in many of the lines the books will be sold as 2 in 1s.

While I can't say I'm thrilled with this move, I am at least pleased that my first book in this format will be Expecting Miracle Twins, (the first book in my duet) will be teamed with Marion Lennox's first book in her new trilogy, Claimed: Royal Secret Son. Marion is an author I love both as a fabulous writer and a wonderful friend. Let's hope we bring each other good luck in this new format.

This is what the cover looks like. I'm afraid I couldn't save the larger version. What do you reckon?


2paw said...

I read about the change on Kate Walker's blog. The cover is very lovely, and I would definitely buy your, and Marion's, book. I am not so sure about other pairings. I hope we retain the single book format.

Barbara Hannay said...

Well, the good news is, there's no talk of bringing out 2 in 1s in either Australia or America.

Barbara Hannay said...

Lots of discussion about these new covers happening over at Nicola Marsh's blog, in case your interested.
Have to say, that from my point of view, 2 in 1 certainly feels like a demotion. sigh