Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Major, major apologies...

I'm really sorry there's been such a gap in my blogs. I'm deep in revisions, wanting to pull the very best out of my current work and not wanting to let anything else distract me.

Protect the work... protect the work... has been my mantra this week.

I hope your patience will be rewarded by a really good book when I'm done.
Am nearly finished. Should be back here soon.

Very soon...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I do think that the writing of the book has priority over blogging!!! Quite a few people are revising at the moment: it must be revision month!!! I should think that once you immerse yourself it would be sensible to stay there and finish!!! I know you will be perfecting another great story. Hope you have time to lift your head above water to enjoy Spring!!!